Pelisse, c. 1810-1815


FIT Graduate Studies Collection

Goal of treatment

To mount the object for three-dimensional display

Summary of treatment

This quilted silk pelisse had been previously conserved and did not require stabilization before mounting on a mannequin. The mannequin was padded out with polyester batting and a soft buckram skirt covered with muslin. The neck and skirt were trimmed with white cotton eyelet to suggest the type of dress that would have been worn underneath the pelisse.

A headpiece was made of buckram, watercolor paper "hair," and a bonnet made from buckram, cotton jersey and twill tape, polyester batting and ribbon, and synthetic flowers. Prop gloves were selected from the collection's stock of non-accessioned objects, and a prop reticule was made from an existing bag, covered with cotton jersey to match the hat.

This project was a collaboration with Bobbi Wall.


Evening shoes, c. 1916-1923


Embroidered, framed textile, late 20th century