Conferences & Talks


“Solving a Sartorial Puzzle: Conserving a Worth & Bobergh Ensemble for Display”

American Institute of Conservation Annual Meeting, May 2022


“Solving a Sartorial Puzzle: Mounting a Worth & Bobergh Ensemble, circa 1866-1868”

Association of Dress Historians New Research in Dress History Conference, June 2021

“Collection Conversation #24: Worth & Bobergh”

Invited talk at the FIDM Museum via Instagram Live, May 2021

Archived on YouTube

“Aloha Hawai’i: Marketing the Paradise of the Pacific in Mainland Department Stores”

Costume Society of America 45th Annual Meeting & Symposium, April 2019

Listen to a summary on the Unravel podcast

“Fashion & Fabric: Textiles, Trade & Africa” (with Melinda Watt)

Invited talk at the Driehaus Museum, March 2019

Der Junggeselle: Fashioning the Male Consumer in 1920s Berlin and Beyond”

Fashion & Media: History, Style, Design, and Art Symposium, Drexel University, October 2017

“Between the Picturesque and the Fashionable: Costuming The King of Cadonia, 1908”

Costume Society of America 42nd Annual Meeting & Symposium, May 2016

“Conservation: Practical Application and Ethics”

Theories in Action Conference, Brown University, May 2012



